Old Woolwich is Mostly New (Woolwich Walks)

My latest video will premiere at 8pm on Sunday 22nd December.

Please enjoy my infodump on Woolwich, with a wee bit of Belvedere!

Unlike my previous video, this one I’m pretty sure is entirely accurate but please feel free to point out anything you think I’ve got completely wrong.

DRINKING GAME: http://welovewoolwich.co.uk/old-woolwich-walk-drinking-game

I may monetise in future, but for now I’m doing this for fun and the love of this town so if you’ve enjoyed this video, please make donations in lieu of buying me a coffee to The Greenwich Wildlife Network. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=4AQM4AQNYYX6W


This video would not have been possible without Mike Jelves, ig: jetblacksquares_selondon

Photos credited to CM are from the archive of Chris Mansfield, www.chrismansfieldphotos.com

Photos credited to RG from godisinyourtypewriterblog.wordpress.com

The National Library of Scotland, doing the Lord’s work with layered maps: https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17.6&lat=51.49375&lon=0.06298&layers=260&b=ESRIWorld&o=100

Those cool postwar aerial photos have been licensed by Historic England specifically for this video, see them and more: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/

The Sainsbury’s archive is a glorious thing: https://www.sainsburyarchive.org.uk/

Woolwich in Film: The Silent Playground

Alt title: “My Woolwich video ended up with loads of Deptford”

I hope you enjoy my first video!

The Silent Playground is a 1963 British drama movie filmed in south east London. This video looks at the Woolwich parts, as well as what turned out to be Deptford!

Pictures of old Woolwich are from Chris Mansfield, unless otherwise stated https://www.chrismansfieldphotos.com/

Pictures of modern Woolwich are by me unless otherwise stated.

Other sources: Stephen Craven on Geograph https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/235… L

ayers of London https://www.layersoflondon.org/

Google Earth images by Google Earth, lol

Aerial photos: Britain from Above https://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/

Maps and aerial photos: National Library of Scotland https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore

Unfortunately the movie is not available to buy, so let’s hope Talking Pictures TV keep showing it as often as possible!

Music licensed through Adobe Stock.